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Culture and Politics in France

Arrêt définitif de commercialisation
Nombre de pages : 128
Dimensions : 150 mm x 210 mm
Poids : 200 gr
Prix : 25.90 €
Livre broché

EAN : 9782919403134
Distributeur : DU MENHIR

Auteur(s) : Vanessa MARCIE

Editeur(s) : DU MENHIR

Collection : Passerelle U

Date de parution : 15 octobre 2000

Genre(s) : Parascolaire

Langue(s) du texte : Français

Culture and Politics in France : fifteen centuries of power relations
A Concise history of mutual instrumentation taking place in the French musical landscape

The interactions between the State and Culture occupy a singular place in the thematic field dealing with the "French Exception". The cultural policies of the French State have been elevated to the rank of European models. Their very existence guarantees the survival of a thrinving cultural sector and, by extension, ensures the persistence of a French cultural identity.
But why is State intervention so pervasive in the French cultural domain ?
From pensions and subventions to patronage and awards attributed by the State, Vanessa Marcié examines a history of fifteen centuries to trace the underlying bonds between culture and political power. By setting the major historical landmarks and specifically focusing on music, her work demonstrates how this common adventure began, how it developed and evolved through the ages and how it is perpetuated today.

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